How we help enrich lives
If we are going to help our residents live better, then it is our responsibility to offer them every opportunity to be actively engaged and involved. At Extendicare Hillcrest, we provide social and recreational services seven days a week - including holidays. These services are designed to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of our residents. All activities are developed, organized and led by qualified staff and we offer both group and individualized services to meet residents’ unique needs and circumstances. Examples of our recreational services and activities include:
- Pet Therapy: In addition to our in-house cockatiel, aquarium, we have a bi-monthly Pet therapy Program where animals from the local Pals organization come in and spend time with our residents.
- Intergenerational Program: Our Intergenerational Program has elementary and daycare students from our local school spend an afternoon twice a month with our residents.
- Exercise Classes: We have daily exercise classes that focus on fitness, range of motion, flexibility and strength.
- Seniors Olympics: Once a year we host our Seniors Olympics when residents compete for medals in a range of different activities.
- Live Entertainment: At least once a week residents enjoy live entertainment featuring a variety of performers from the community.
- Monthly Birthday Bash: At our Monthly Birthday Bash, residents enjoy a cake, candles, a card on their table and a rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday to You”.
- Board Games & Bingo: Bingo, cards, bowling, shuffleboard, board games and more are staples enjoyed regularly by residents.
- Current Events Group: Most morning begin with our current events group when residents gather to read the newspaper and discuss the issues and events of the day.
- Reminiscing Program: In our Reminiscing Program residents meet weekly to connect through music and memory boxes filled with items from their generations.
- Old Fashioned Carnival: Each year our residents enjoy attending our Old Fashioned Carnival as well as the annual Box Social.
- Monthly Outings: We have various monthly outings where residents enjoy going to places and events such as museums, restaurants, farmer's markets, stores, Calgary Stampede, and parks.
- Food Programs:Residents enjoy a variety of food programs such as breakfast clubs, BBQ's in the courtyards and supper clubs.
- Gardening:Residents help out with our beautiful front yard planting flowers, watering and weeding to keep them lush and beautiful.
We also offer a wide range of physiotherapy, cognitive, speech and occupational therapies according to the needs of our residents. Currently we offer:
- Occupational Therapist
- Respiratory Therapist
- Social Worker
- Recreational Therapist
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Art Therapist
- Geriatric Mental Health Consultant
- Physiotherapist
- Dental Hygienist
- Optometrist
- Audiologist